In this issue of Caravan, water is featured as a key item because of its importance. Water harvesting is just one aspect of improved water use. If the balance between water supply and demand cannot be put right, the consequences for food supply and...
An institution such as ICARDA that aims at maintaining the high standards and dynamism of its work must have a suitable mechanism for monitoring the progress of its performance and evalu¬ating the relevance of its mandate and mission in everchanging...
This study in ICARDA's seed production series deals with seed-borne pathogens and their geographical distribution. It is widely acknowledged that plant diseases are one of the limiting factors in seed production, and particularly problems are caused...
Detection of bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) and lily symptomless virus (LSV) by dot‐blot and tissue‐blot immunoenzymatic assay was compared by using either chromogenic or chemiluminescent substrates. Testing was...
In a survey for viruses of cultivated legumes in West Asia and North Africa, pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) was found in faba bean, lentil and pea. Using ELISA, it was detected in 107 out of 1554 faba bean samples and 40 out of 496 lentil...
Breeding for resistance to extremes of temperature and moisture in cool season food legumes is limited by the lack of adequate screening techniques. The success of each technique depends upon the representativeness and reproducibility of the type of...