Rangeland Monitoring & Assessment Training Workshop

Start Date
April 10, 2017
End Date
April 14, 2017
Training course
Tataouine, Tunisia

Rangeland Monitoring & Assessment Training Workshop

sponsored by the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on Livestock which is led by the

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Rational: Rangeland is considered as of renewable natural resources if utilized properly. The overexploitation of rangelands due to overgrazing, early grazing, cultivation, and cutting led to the deterioration of such fragile ecosystems, and most of rangelands in arid and semi-arid in many countries of the world became incapable of providing forage needs for livestock. Therefore, the management and development of rangelands are considered as one of the essential features on which animal production depends. Rangelands provide cheap forage if they are utilized sustainably, and protect soil from erosion

Objectives: The aim of the training course is building capacity of the Engineers and technical staff involved in rangeland management and development from Office of Livestock and Pastures (OEP), Commissariat Regional au Developpement Agricole (CRDA – Tataouine) and Institut des Regions Arides (IRA – Mednine).

The Course topics: The training course will include both theoretical and practical training on the estimation of vegetation cover, plant density, biomass and determination of carrying capacity and the appropriate techniques of managing rested private and communal rangelands in Tataouine, Southern Tunisia
1- Inventory, survey and assessment of the range vegetation cover
2- Estimation of range conditions and trends
3- Sustainable development and management of rangelands

Dr. Azaiez Ouled Belgacem, Arabian Peninsula Regional Coordinator, Dubai UAE 
Dr. Mounir Louhaichi, Principal Rangeland Scientist, Amman - Jordan 



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