Upcoming Events

Past Events

July 13, 2019 - July 19, 2019
Amman – Jordan
Training course
Twenty-eight trainees from nine countries - Yemen, Morocco, Italy, India, Tunisia, Palestine, Algeria, Iraq and Jordan - participated in a training course on cactus pear evaluation and best-agronomic practices.
February 10, 2019 - February 28, 2019
Cairo, Egypt
Training course
This course helped participants understand the potential application of remote sensing/GIS applications, and learn general image processing and GIS operations to extract and manage spatial information.
January 21, 2019 - January 25, 2019
Zaragoza, Spain
Training course
This course highlighted the importance of food loss and waste in current food systems, identified the main actors and critical points along the food supply chain, and reviewed quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess food waste.
December 10, 2018 - December 14, 2018
Rabat, Morocco
Training course
This course aimed to enhance understanding of Big Data; explain its role in ICARDA's research activities; raise awareness about the importance of data collection, storage, curation, and visualization; and improve understanding of relevant legal issues.
November 18, 2018 - November 29, 2018
Cairo, Egypt
Training course
The objective of this course was to transfer knowledge on geoinformatics science, technologies, and applications in geographic data management.