Project Name
Africa RISING (Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation) PVS Barley and Faba Bean


The rising demand for animal sourced foods is emerging in developing countries, necessitating increased supply of livestock feed. A shrinking natural resources base limits feed production. Crop improvement and livestock nutrition are collaboratively exploring opportunities and limitations for improving crop residue quantity and fodder quality. Selecting varieties with superior grain and straw traits could address the needs of humans for food and livestock for fodder.


 Crop residues in mixed crop-livestock systems of the Ethiopian highlands generated predominantly from cereal and grain legumes.  Crop scientists and livestock nutrition collaboratively exploring opportunities and limitations for improving crop residue quantity and fodder quality at source through multidimensional crop improvement.  Selecting varieties with superior grain and straw traits could address the needs of humans for food and livestock for fodder.
The overall purpose of Africa RISING is to provide pathways out of hunger and poverty for small holder families through sustainably intensified farming systems that sufficiently improve food, nutrition, and income security, particularly for women and children, and conserve or enhance the natural resource base.
Impact pathways
In essence, the program theory of change proposes that the adoption of research-derived innovation directed at the SI of smallholder agricultural production systems allows rural households to make more efficient use of the resources available to them. They can produce more without compromising the needs of future generations. This increased production can translate into a range of livelihood outcomes through improved income flows, better household nutrition and increased human capacity. If the research conducted accounts for multiple sustainability domains (productive, economic, social, human and environmental), the long-term equity and viability resulting from the SI innovations developed and promoted by Africa RISING will be enhanced. A demand-driven approach, based on long- term engagement with research and development partners, ensures that appropriate SI innovations can ultimately be scaled to receptive and informed beneficiary households.



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Project Management


Seid Ahmed Kemal


Ruth Musengy'a Mawia


