Sustainable Silvopastoral Restoration to Promote Ecosystem Service in Tunisia
Period of Implementations
Nov 21, 2017 - Mar 31, 2019
Total budget
Project Name Sustainable Silvopastoral Restoration to Promote Ecosystem Service in Tunisia
The project is a pilot initiative aimed at building resilience of silvopastoral production, increasing and improving the sustainable provision and management of goods and services from agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in the semi-arid areas of Tunisia.
Strengthen resilience of the silvopastoral production system through the promotion of environmental improvement, reduced climate impact, and increased resilience to environmental impacts, climate change and natural disasters. The projects’ focus is on strengthening the capacity of communities and its intentions to build regional platforms for knowledge sharing and collaboration.
To develop a pilot site in semi-arid Tunisia (Zaghouan Governorate) that will be scaled up in 2018 – 2019 based on ICARDA experience in the NENA region in illustrating sustainable management of silvopastoral production system in an integrated pasture-forestry-livestock production system.
Impact pathways
The project focus on two main Outputs, namely: (i) sharing sustainable silvopastoral technologies with the local beneficiaries and (ii) developing sustainable silvopastoral technologies. The first output contributes towards the outcome of improving productivity and resilience of the silvopastoral systems, whereas the second is to an enhancement capacity of national partners, including farmers, to promote and adopt sustainable silvopastoral technologies. These two developmental outcomes ultimately support the sub-IDO ‘Increased capacity of beneficiaries to adopt research outputs’.
Acacia cyanophylla (also known as Acacia saligna) is one of three priority multipurpose tree species for arid and semi-arid zones. It is well adapted to semi-arid and sub-humid regions, and is a high potential species for use in restoration. Its...