Project Name
Knowledge Management in CACILM II


Effective knowledge management adds value to agricultural research for development. This project consolidates crucial information, helping to disseminate the solutions that rural communities and other partners need to address constraints and put in place sustainable land management strategies. It also helps to promote strategies and tools with the potential to help farmers optimize opportunities and raise their productivity, incomes, and livelihoods.


This project will increase the use of innovations developed by the well-established CACILM Project in Central Asia. Its synthesis, compilation and dissemination of current research provides a secure knowledge base that policymakers and other stakeholders can utilize to develop sustainable strategies capable of addressing the region’s severe land degradation; reversing soil salinization & erosion, improving water retention & carbon sequestration and reducing loss of agrobiodiversity.
The overall objective of is to scale up integrated Natural Resource Management in drought-prone and salt-affected agricultural production landscapes in Central Asia and Turkey. This will be achieved by alleviating the barriers on SLM adoption i.e. minimizing pressures and negative impacts on natural resources, reducing risks and vulnerability and enhancing the capacity of rural communities to cope with or adapt to drought and salinity. The outcome is a widespread application of SLM practices.
Impact pathways
Knowledge management is essential to achieving the understanding and dissemination of successful and innovative Sustainable Land Management ("SLM") approaches and technologies that have a high potential for implementation in the different agro-ecosystems of Central Asia. To encourage the widespread use of the available SLM interventions and packages (experiences from a previous project phase), and to have a positive impact on reducing land degradation in Central Asia, a 'knowledge platform' shall be developed. By facilitating the distribution and adoption of SLM, agricultural systems will reach enhanced productivitiy and sustainability, and climate change adaptation approaches and technologies can be scaled-up. This will contribute to make rural livelihoods more lucrative and resilient in the face of land degradation, and climate variability and change.



48, 68

41, 75

39, 71

40, 60

41, 64

Project Management


Akmal Akramkhanov


Carol Elvin Kohen

