Project Name
Integrated Agricultural Production Systems for the poor and vulnerable in Dryland Areas: Nile Valley and Sub-Saharan Africa Region


The project will provide gender responsive best bet technologies that are climate change-proof, user friendly and inexpensive to about 5,000 beneficiaries of smallholder farmers in order to improve their livelihoods.


The goal of the Project shall be to enhance smallholder farmers' livelihoods in the Nile Valley and Sub-Saharan Africa Region through innovative research to business (R2B) platform
Enhance smallholder farmers’ livelihoods in the Nile Valley and Sub Saharan Africa Region through innovative research-to-business platform. Specific Objectives: 1. Development of profitable and climate change-proof packages/models of tested and proven technology options. 2. Facilitation of the institution and policy environment for an accelerated scaling up of these technologies
Impact pathways
The Project's methodology will be based on the following five approaches: (a) Key informant surveys of grass-root institutions and clustering of best bet science and technology as a basis for business transformation options; (b) Validating of Research to Business (R2B) of gender responsive best bet matured elements for adoption through piloting and demonstration ensuring appropriateness for rainfed and irrigated agroecosystems; (c). Analysis of the service delivery agencies in the private and public sectors and linkages between farmers organization (FO) and service providers and identified regulatory and -policy constraints that hinder the acceleration of best bet packages dissemination to the end users; (d) Developing capacity of farmers, extension, support services and development staff as well as business interested representatives through focused training of trainers with due consideration to gender aspect, customized knowledge products, and demonstration plots in partner and fanner's fields: (e) Conducting knowledge sharing and exchange workshops to further refine matured technologies for wider dissemination and commercialization through the IFAD strengthening rural institutions of technology users and service providers groups towards an enabling environment for growth.



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Project Management


Marwan Owaygen


Carol Elvin Kohen


